garret - top-floor or attic room, especially a small dismal one (traditionally inhabited by an artist).

stench - a strong and very unpleasant smell:

overwrought - in a state of nervous excitement or anxiety

trifle - a thing of little value or importance:

hid·eous - very ugly

errand - a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, especially on someone else's behalf:

loath - ADJECTIVE reluctant; unwilling:

smear -


grandiloquent -

  • vestigios

stockings -

sob - cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps.

suit·or - a man who pursues a relationship with a particular woman, with a view to marriage.

whilst - during the time that; at the same time as.

pill (informal) - a tedious or unpleasant person

sew - to join two pieces of cloth together by putting thread through them with a needle: My grandmother taught me to sew.

haste - pressa

thrust - To push suddenly and strongly

bundle - pacote

snatch - arrebentar

slipping - to go into a worse state

panted - breathe with short, quick breaths, typically from exertion or excitement:

sage -

distressed -


feigned -


is that you sanction bloodshed in the name of conscience,

haughty -

amiable -

relish -

stud -

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Written by Davi Cavalcanti Sena who lives and works in Vancouver building useless things